Thursday 16 August 2012

How to Make a Login Form

Hi Guys! In this website, I will show you how to make amazing programs in Visual Basic. What version do I use? I use Visual Basic 2010 Professional. Our Facebook Page.So please like and share this! :)

How to Make a simple Login Form. (Reading Tutorial)

(NOTE): Click for large pictures

                                                      Open up Visual Basic.

                                                                    Start a New Project

                                                                      Resize the form.

                                       Add the following : 2 Labels, 2 Text Boxes and 1 Button

Rename the Labels, Button and the Project

                                                                    Now add a new Form.

                                                                      It should look like this.

Now you can make the second form whatever you like ex: your passwords, your bank accounts. 
Now rename the form.

9.Now the coding 
1.Go to form1
2.Press the login button
3.It should be like this

(NOTE) If you cannot see the code in the picture, you can press it to become large or you can scroll down and see the code that I have written

The Code:

If textbox1.text = "Your Username should be in this" and textbox2.text = "Your Password should be in this" Then 
End if

(NOTE) The code should be between Private Sub and End Sub

Congratulations!! You have just learnt how to make a login form in Visual Basic. If you have any problems, feel free to post them on our Facebook Page.

My Favourite Design of a Login Form:

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